Monday, 26 May 2008

Put yourself in my place

This was a dificult one... Savater says that ethics is interested in how to live a good human life, amongst human beings. This is not very complicated, as we human beings use symbols to communicate among each other. Thought, actually, could be difficult as people from different backgrounds and cultures interpret symbols in different ways... Despite our differences, however, we are all part of the human race and that makes us all humans.

We have the right to be treated as humans, that is in a respectful way, taking into account how they would like to be treated and reflecting that in their behaviour...

But at the beginning I said that this one was difficult. This is so beacuse I experienced other "human beings" 's evil... I had my bag stolen last weekend, with many things inside that were valuable to me, and that is not referring to the money inside... Savater says "not for acting badly they stop being human beings"... but don't they?? I felt so disappointed of people that day that it is difficult not to think that people stop being people when they act against other people's freedom and good intentions.... Very difficult...

We all have the right to be treated as humans... We need to put ourselves in other people's place to try to imagine what others expect from us... In spite of everything, I still have faith in people.. there's always someone putting himself in someone else's place... Like the man who found some of my belongings and phoned to return them....

Monday, 19 May 2008

Here comes... Jiminy Cricket!!

Being a good person implies many things. On the one side, you are free to choose what is it you want from your life and how to get to it. You are aware of the fact that sometimes your will crashes with someone else's, and so you'll try to adjust to the situation. On the other hand, we may be selfish and do what we want the way we want it without caring the effect this may have in others.
If you are morally good and respect yourself and those who surround you, you will care about the consequences of your acts. If you do something you KNOW is wrong, you'll feel remorse; and you may even want to make things right.
Being a good person you are responsible for your acts, good or bad. If they are bad, they may harm you and others, or even prevent you from having a good life.
Be aware of your acts and prepare to be responsible for their consequences... It is not a bad thing to be selfish sometimes. To want something just for you is not always wrong, as long as it allows you to continue on the right path...

Monday, 12 May 2008

Wake up, baby!!

Living a good life involves many things. Having personal possessions, getting new items, buying and selling through out our lives... but also interacting with others. We cannot treat other people as objects due to the simple reason that they ARE PEOPLE, and NOT THINGS!!

Someone once said "Don't treat others in ways you wouldn't like to be treated yourself." Huge truth. If you don't like to be treated as an object, why should you do that to your mates, friends, family or strangers? Part of living a good life is communicating and interacting with people. We do this every single day of our lives. So why make it unpleasant for everyone instead of treating people kindly and as they deserve?

Live a good life, treat people with respect and try to understand the core meaning of your own life. This is yours to discover, as no one can choose how to live your life except for yourself. Make good and wise choices, according to what is convenient for you.