Living a good life involves many things. Having personal possessions, getting new items, buying and selling through out our lives... but also interacting with others. We cannot treat other people as objects due to the simple reason that they ARE PEOPLE, and NOT THINGS!!

Someone once said "Don't treat others in ways you wouldn't like to be treated yourself." Huge truth. If you don't like to be treated as an object, why should you do that to your mates, friends, family or strangers? Part of living a good life is communicating and interacting with people. We do this every single day of our lives. So why make it unpleasant for everyone instead of treating people kindly and as they deserve?
Live a good life, treat people with respect and try to understand the core meaning of your own life. This is yours to discover, as no one can choose how to live your life except for yourself. Make good and wise choices, according to what is convenient for you.

Someone once said "Don't treat others in ways you wouldn't like to be treated yourself." Huge truth. If you don't like to be treated as an object, why should you do that to your mates, friends, family or strangers? Part of living a good life is communicating and interacting with people. We do this every single day of our lives. So why make it unpleasant for everyone instead of treating people kindly and as they deserve?
Live a good life, treat people with respect and try to understand the core meaning of your own life. This is yours to discover, as no one can choose how to live your life except for yourself. Make good and wise choices, according to what is convenient for you.
Lau, I really liked the quote. I do think we should treat people the way we would like to be trated as well. Go to [my blog and see that I wrote something similiar to what you are saying: giving people the respect they deserve.
Your thoughtful post has "brought about" several questions boiling in my mind, Laura!
1. Where do you draw the line between "people" and "things"? Where would you place animals and plants?
2. What if somebody wants to be treated in a way I don't approve of? Should I do as they like, or stick to the Golden Rule?
3. Talking of "treating people as they deserve", how do evil people deserve to be treated, in your view?
Don't worry about answering them all, just had to share what you've produced in my mind! :-P
Animals and plants are live creatures, but with different features than human beigns...
Sometimes we treat people as they like, even if we don't approve of those ways... Sometimes it would be best not no treat them...
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