Human beings have the capacity to choose. To choose what to do , when to do it and how to do it, among many other options. Unlike animals, plants and other live organisms, human beings have freedom of choice.
People can choose to learn certain things and not others according to their interests. However, there are certain matters that we are compelled to know, such as differentiating what is "good" and what is "bad" for us. We know eating healthily is good for us and that abusing drugs is not. (though some people may think differently, it's their choice)
Unlike other living creatures, humans are free to choose how to live their lives. People not necessarily have to do things as we can choose if we want to do them or not. We are "programmed" by genetics but also by the society and culture in which we grow up. These shape us in ways that allow us to be able to decide what, when, how and why to do or not certain things.
We are free to choose how to cope with daily life and to try our bests in everything that we make our minds up.
As teachers, we are able to help children develop this capacity of choice. Little by little, we can help them realise that they have the capacity to reach everything that they want. Children are part of society and they need to learn how to interact with it. Teachers should always be there to help them discover the necessary tools needed in the art of living.

Hi L@u!
You write: "We know eating healthily is good for us and that abusing drugs is not. (though some people may think differently...)"... So, do we know, or do we believe it?
One other thing: are we "programmed" by genetics and society, or just influenced by them? If we are conditioned... where's our freedom to choose?
Gladys, most of the times people claim to know something, when they actually believe they know about that... People "know" things on the basis of what the society in which they live shapes them, their opinions and knowledge. People can believe that things are one way completely contradicting the general rule or path of thinking, which does not mean they are wrong or "don't know anything"
Certain aspects or our lives are "programmed" by genetics, in the sense that, for example, we cannot choose the colour of our eyes or how tall we are. WE are influenced by society in the sense that people we know, or strangers try to change our way of thinking or our opinions. Of course, we are free to choose if we want to change those or not...
I definitely second your words, Laura! We're not free to choose everything, we're limited in our range of choices most of the time... yet, we CAN choose...
A final souvenir: "Attitude", by Charles Swindoll.
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