Would you consider a human being someone living in an empty planet, with no company but himself? Is that person a human being if he doesn't have someone to talk to, to share ideas, feeligns or thoughts?

Being a human being means being in contact with other people, with whom you socialise and communicate. There's no person without interaction with others.
You can have a good life as long as you remember you are free to choose what you want from your life... because it is yours to live!! Yes, it is true that you can listen to suggestions or follow someone else's orders... but it is your decision either way!
Deciding what we actually want is the tricky part of the issue... specially when you are not completely sure of what you want.
So, choose to live a good life!! Whatever you decide will take wherever you choose...
Just remember that part of living a good human life is being part of a society, sometimes with cultural traditions and using a language that helps us express whatever we want.
Hi Lau!
I´ve asked myself the very same question you asked: would you be considered a human being if being the only one on earth? I believe not, human beings are "built" thanks to other human beings, and that´s what make us different from other creatures.
Hi Lau!
In our individualistic society, this may be hard to face... Yet, I agree with you and Lu: part of who we are is determined by the communities we belong to... and no small part I mean!
As for the question of making sure of what you choose, that has never been an easy task for me... Giving up hope on the idea of choosing backed up by some certainty, I've shifted my efforts to learning to live with my choices, no matter the consequences! :-P
Does anyone share my experience?
Looking for twin souls,
Hi everyone! Feels nice to see so many comments in the same post!! :))
Sometimes we don't know if what we want is REALLY what we want... But I agree with you, Glayds, in that we have to learn to live with the choices we make... It's hard work though, but it's worth it!!
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